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Sons of the American Revolution

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Germany Society Membership 

The Germany Society, Sons of the American Revolution was established to honor the men
of German Regiments who fought under the French Expeditionary Forces of France in support of establishing Independence for America. Many of our membership have ancestors of German heritage.  Our only requirement for membership in the Germany Society is to be an active member in good standing in the Sons of the American Revolution.

The Germany Society consist of primary members living in Germany and dual members who are primary in other state societies of the Sons of the American Revolution. 

Our society was also created to help promote and support the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution by spreading American patriotism and knowledge of the history of the American Revolution and the founding principles of our democratic republic.

We also provide financial support to the National Society through our society contributions to various needs and projects.

Our yearly membership dues are (only) $10.00 but the rewards of participation are 

We are always looking for a few good men!


Germany Society Dual Membership Application

_____________ / ____________ / 20___________ (mm/dd/yyyy)

Name (print please)


____________________________________________  _______________________  ______________
City                                                                                  State                                       Zip

(_________) __________________________  _______________________________________________
Telephone Number                                        Email Address 

NSSAR National Number

Germany Society Membership and Annual Dues total $10.00

Check Payable to:   Germany Society

Mail to:   Germany Society
                 John H. Bredenfoerder
                 8751 Haverhill Lane

                 Cincinnati, Ohio 45236

                                             Welcome to the Germany Society!

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